Mockus, Santos and education.
Amid an exchange of ideas via facebook with a friend, he implicitly suggested what I thought good exercise, to review proposals for education of the two candidates Santos and Mockus. As for me the key is education seemed like a good idea, but by the time you can not make a thorough analysis tried to do the job.
Keep in mind that the paper holds all and the role all all (including Mockus) can say things that sound nice and very well. The important thing is to read between the lines and analyze the fundamental concept that each one of the candidates on education and its importance.
addition, if there is a way to educate is by example, and the example they have given us Santos, Uribe and company is that it seems appropriate to them beyond limits, cheating, mischief, take shortcuts and break laws to achieve their goals. To Mockus education is much more than schooling and qualifications, it is civic culture, is an education in respect for the law, is educated in the respect for public money is not to cheat or bend the rules to achieve a goal, is to educate so as not to 'rabbit' or sancadillas rivals, is to transform the country's attitude.
With that said here are my views are comparing the education proposals for the two programs:
A comparison personal, subjective surface and probably education proposals Mockus and Santos.
1.Ya know and we believe that what matters is not size, but about the size of the proposals if there is something to say. The education proposal that I could find more detailed Santos, has 8 pages including one with the logo and one with the title and the photo of smiling Santos, the proposal is
this . The most detailed proposal met Mockus has 30 pages and leaves no Mockus or a giant sunflower. Ah but is that pay a lot of green wagon! Okay, I can grant that it may be little cart, but that a candidate will take the trouble to get 30 pages and another 8 to present its proposals on education, as well ... As there is a more condensed version of the proposed Mockus.
Here you can find all the documents of the Green Party.
2.Santos offers (Page 5) double subsidized credit and lengthen the timing of payments will begin only when you have a job done and provides subsidies (grants not, eh?) in the top 20 students in each department. This proposal is bad? Not at all, but continues to demonstrate the concept of education as a pro-government as only benefiting a few people (through subsidies, rebates bone) and others as debtors ties since before graduation.
Now highlight only two points of the proposed Mockus:
12. There will be a fellowship program to support low income college students. (To be seen how many scholarships and the amount, that is what we should but note the difference in conception, one offers scholarships and other grants.)
13. We have the political will to make the necessary investment in education, culture, science, technology and innovation. include funding mechanisms for this view we contemplate the establishment of a fund of up to 15% of the shares of Ecopetrol. This project is unprecedented in recent history of Colombia, and is one of the axes for the social and economic transformation of the country.
3. Speaking of funding ... Santos talks about bringing the percentage of GDP devoted to education and culture to 1% in 2020. It's not ideal but that is a good idea but as always in these programs he did not say how he will do ... well some say, says that "good governance" which remains vague mainly coming from someone who has never governed anything and who has surrounded himself with the traditional political class that is not conspicuous for its "good governance ". But hey, we accept that on paper is a good proposal but it is not explained either as going to do. Follow.
Santos proposes (page 4) a program of free preschool education and a program to prevent dropouts, which together would cost programs year 140mil million pesos out of the budget of the ministry of education and general system of units. That is, these are existing sources that can only be relocated, suppose you are not cut investments in other areas and accept that proposal Santos is not bad.
However the amount of money proposed by Mockus with the sale of 15% of Ecopetrol would be close to 858 billion pesos and these are all new resources for education! and technology! Is additional money to what already exists! It is a concrete action that we can do much more.
Santos has said he will not promote plus taxes (and Antanas said, would like to see a marble plaque that promise really big to see if it is true that the meet) and if you really believe that we have is enough for then if we are in strong disagreement. Yes, we need more taxes because the reforms and investments to fund that requires education in Colombia need money, need to invest more than what we are currently investing in education, we need more. And the eye that is not only more money is not stolen, we need honest and not corrupt rule!
"Ah but is that because it happens to raise taxes and sell part of Ecopetrol, that gross, if Ecopetrol Silver is what gives! "say. Well there is that's the difference, Antanas is willing to sell some (note, not all) of something important to finance what is more important. Antanas is willing to promote unpopular measures to finance something that would provide the greatest benefit for all. Santos believes that as we go, we go right? Santos offers no profound changes in how we invest in education or in their structure instead Antanas also proposes a revision to Law 30 governing higher education. You think? As we go, we are doing well in education? We investing enough? We can expect more to resolve this urgent matter of education?
4. A final comment on the title of each of the programs (not the education program but the general program of government.) Consider further that the title summarizes the general sense of the proposal. The Santos said: "Good governance for democratic prosperity." Ok, not bad, who could be against prosperity and good governance? Sounds good, but I wonder, prosperity for? And here is the phrase that sums up the country's vision proposed by Mockus I find interesting "With democratic legality, education and betting on talent will overcome the inequalities and embark on the transformation social. "
reaffirm what I said, to Mockus education is an essential part of his proposal: "With education and culture defeat lawlessness, corruption, poverty, inequality, informal, environmental destruction and imbalances regional. So are the core of our proposal. "
They want to stay in power and prosperity for 4, 8 or 12 more years, to pacify the country with arms, to live in peace and some keep stealing in peace, we also want to live in peace but we want more we want education, legality and honesty, we want change the history of inequality and injustice in Colombia! That's the big difference.
I seriously seriously after making tareita and independent of other aspects that do not like about Santos is that I do not see that Santos and his team care about education as much as Mockus and company and so, because I firmly believe that education is the tool and the main way to achieve a just and equal opportunities is that I will give my vote back to the Green Party and Antanas Mockus.