Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Example Of A Doctors Email

Pressing Boops Is Harmful?

frozen meal for the gold.
· ¼ liter of Arbequina olive oil 100% fine
· QS Sal
• 10 gr. Gold dust
Mix olive oil and gold powder, place in a trap close it and put two loads of gas, under pressure to pull liquid nitrogen and leave a pair of fine Chinese minutos.Pasar with a cold spoon (last previously with nitrogen), add a little salt and stir.
Once frozen meal we introduce it in a bottle of Paco jet. We will give a turbine to achieve a creamy texture and the same volume as in a mousse, but this time the olive oil without any additives.
Ingot Molds:
• 1 rectangular mold rubber spatula
• 1 pastry mousse
Add olive oil to the rubber mold, spread with a spatula until completely full. Place in the blast chiller to take oil again reaches temperatura.Cuando - 30 º removing the molds one by one and re-let within the chiller. Gelatin
· ½ lt. aromatic water
• 5 gr. vegetable gelatin
Place a saucepan over low heat when it starts to boil add the gelatine and stir with a whisk.
Gold Bar liquid
• 10 gr. Caviar cold river
• 5 gr. Macadamia nut.
olive bread crumbs
· ½ Kg of white bread crumb
· 150 gr. Dried and crushed olive
• 10 gr.
olive oil • 1 clove garlic, thyme
We take a board will place two tablespoons of bread crumbs. With great care we take gold bullion and place migas.Colocamos above a bit of caviar and grated macadamia nut.
Monday, December 17, 2007
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pickled, remember that the graffiti may well be replaced by cock (and this by a clock), turkey legs or chicken rescued. And a good way to enjoy this recipe is cutting the sticks and painted in irregular, mixed with gelatin and vegetables, fresh tomato dice and a peck of chile, take it wrapped in tortillas warm.
Or if you prefer a garrison in tune with the fragrant vanilla, serve on an exotic (see photo) smooth mango carpaccio or unripe papaya, tropical fruit-Cut into thin slices, add some salt, squeeze of lime, a pinch of white pepper and the best oil. My favorite? Ah ... Choose from the taste of green papaya or mango kings.
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INGREDIENTS: 4 chicken breasts
partridge partridge bones
3 shallots 1 / 2 l. hunting stock
50 g. Foie
1 sprig fresh thyme Laurel
To caramelize onions
1 / 2 kg.
onions 4 tbsp.
20 g brown sugar
1. Sauté in a pan bones partridge with foie, peeled shallots, thyme and bay leaf. Drizzle with broth and simmer over low heat 30 minutes. Strain and reserve with the Chinese.
2. Brown the chicken breasts in oil and bake 9 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Remove the bone and carving.
3. Cook the onions and before they are tender, add the sugar and butter. Reduce to simmer until the onions are caramelized.
4. Serve the chicken breasts sauce with the onions.
Gallego Recipe Salvador (El Salvador Arbor)
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Thighs of plump, 4 units
Meat chicken, 200 grams pork
Gill, 200 grams diced Pineapple
, 80 grams
mushrooms, 80 grams bird
Fund, 500 grams salt
elastic mesh, 1 unit
ligand making a sauce grilled own juices in a saucepan over low heat.
Recipe Mario Sandoval (Restaurant Coke)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
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Serves 4. Monkfish
2 400 g approx.
For tomato juice:
· ½ kg tomato pear
• 1 clove garlic
• 1 sprig of thyme • 2 cl
virgin olive oil 2 cl
water pepper For the eggs:
· 2 bell peppers (750 g)
• 25 g of vinegar
• 25 g sugar
• 1 g of agar (a type of red seaweed) powder ½ l of sunflower oil (preserved in the chamber in a deep tray)
For the garnish:
• 4 leek plants
• 12 1 leek leek flowers
Tomato juice:
Open: tomatoes in half and roasted at 150 degrees for 2 hours in a pan with garlic, thyme and oil.
Put in a bowl and grilled tomato, water is added (for 1 kg of roasted tomato is added over half a liter of water), is broken with a rod and let it infuse for a few hours, even a whole night. Strain first by the Chinese, then through a fine sieve and finally through a cloth. Reserves.
Pepper For Roe:
pepper was blanched and liquefies. Separate 200 g of juice obtained, and adding the agar, sugar and vinegar. Boil for 2 minutes stirring constantly.
Separates fire and with a pipette or dropper will be taking the juice is poured in the form of drops of oil.
be allowed to set and drain the eggs obtained from a sieve. Reserves. For the garnish: Wash and cut the leek plants into 3 to 4 cm. each. Reserve. Blanched in water and leeks rolled out to ice water. Allowed to dry for 2 days on a sil-plat. When the pass is going through not too hot oil giving way later.
For the monkfish:
Cut the monkfish into chunks of 5 cm. long. You put the piece of monkfish in a sauté seasoned with a little olive oil without browning, add a little white wine or broth of the rape, and let it do gently without letting it take color. It ends in the oven (3 minutes) or under the salamander.
Put tomato juice in a jug that is served separately.
plants are leeks sautéed and placed on one side of dish and flowers and ribbons of leek.
In the middle is placed back on the monkfish and pepper the eggs. Recipe
Pedro Subijana (Restaurant Akelarre)
Friday, December 7, 2007
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1 head of roasted garlic and 1 raw garlic, 100 grams. roasted and peeled almonds, 30 grams. toasted hazelnuts, peeled, 4 or 5 ripe tomatoes roast, about 80 cc. olive oil, 1 slice of dry bread and toast dipped in vinegar, 1 pulp ñora or 2 tablespoons red pepper, salt
In a mortar (or blender) will first salt to taste. After the garlic
and itch will add the almonds and hazelnuts. Itch
ripe tomatoes. Add the oil slowly while cutting (or whisk), until we see that the sauce is good to wet Calçot (depending on the oil we can do more heavy or lighter). Finally
will slice bread, ñora pulp or red pepper.
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6 scallops, 2 tablespoons oil, 2 tablespoons of butter, 300 g potato, 12 spring onions, milk 600 cc, 200 cc of cream, 300 ml chicken stock, 2 leeks, truffle, chives, white pepper and Maldon salt DEVELOPMENT
Clean and cut the spring onions finely, add them to a pan with two tablespoons of oil and two of butter, simmer a few minutes confit.
Add potatoes cut into small cubes, milk, cream, chicken stock and white pepper. Simmer for 15 minutes. Shreds
all, if it becomes too thick add a little milk or broth, add salt and pass through a strainer to remove any impurities.
Cut into julienne leeks, serving up deep-fried in a colander and stirring constantly until a crispy texture and golden brown. Reserve
absolving paper Marca
scallops in a pan when Emplate.
Emplate :
In bowl put the Vichyssoise, make a nest with crispy leek and put it on the stock, add the scallops over and Maldon salt crystals
Grate a bit of truffle over the broth and garnish with finely chopped chives
Friday, November 16, 2007
(serves 4) 4 .2 snipe glasses of white wine. White pepper. Grated nutmeg. A little thyme and salt
woodcocks cleaned removing the feathers and empty inside; reserve the corazón.Las season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and sprinkle with thyme. Enter the source hot oven, preheated to 220 º C for 15 minutes. Once roasted woodcocks, we take from oven and chop; parted thighs and legs, and retain heat in a saucepan.
Chop the bodies we have learned from the woodcock (breast bones and other remains) and again put into the baking dish with the crushed heart. Add the white wine, put the power to fire, and stir the whole with a wooden spatula.
We let simmer very gently for 10 minutes. Put the salt and snuck this sauce. With this sauce, salsa and the chicken thighs we had booked.
heater to boil for 3 minutes and serve. Accompanied by a mushroom with fried onions. Others
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the minimum shell oil with a clove of garlic, shallots, an onion and a carrot. After flambé with a splash of brandy, cover with water, aromatícelo with some black peppercorns and a sprig of thyme and let it cook long. Meanwhile
appropriate to skip its guts over medium heat on a couple of chopped shallots and softened in oil. Extend the intestines with a poultry livers, or better yet, a dice of raw duck foie or micuit. Foie and viscera that get wet with a dash of port and other seasoning cream before, after a brief cooking, beat hard with the hand blender (machacadlo with mortar and pass it through a sieve if the amount is very small). COLADE
and reduced juice and ligadlo with a pinch of cornstarch diluted in amontillado, a pinch of mustard and a little die of chocolate. Ready to serve, will have the buttery pate and cold on a generous slice of fried bread.
Picatoste will cover the juicy pechuguita just past the plank and thighs fried crisp just as the coveted head. Around the dark and tangy sauce. In the lavish dinner of the hunters, who enjoyed exclusive heads high privilege paid as telling a story in the afternoon. It seems to me that this story, conjuring the sleepless night, amid a silence broken only by the crackling of fire, was the real prize.
Recipe and text Abraham Garcia (Restaurante Viridiana)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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A package of guides, a piece of fresh black truffle the size of a walnut, 3 shoots of young garlic, virgin olive oil extra, chives, salt and Maldon salt.
A silicone mold to make ice, a grater.
With the tip of a knife is opening a little the shell is quite hard and eggs without opening reserves at all .. can be placed in the same egg cup with the opening facing up.
Put grated truffle to infuse in extra virgin olive oil at low temperature, in a few minutes the oil will have been impregnated with the aroma of truffles.
oiled tray and put ice in each hole a quail egg.

Put warm water in a bowl wider than the ice tray and when grass is placed on the water to make a water bath. Watch the point of the egg to your liking. Do not make them too.
Chop garlic very fine, in a satin put a spoonful of truffle oil to soften then put the garlic and add the guides and a pinch of salt.
With a sprig of the walls separating the eggs.
Put the guides on a plate or tray placed over the eggs.
Heat remaining truffle oil and pour a little of this over the eggs. Put a pinch of Maldon salt on the eggs and garnish with finely chopped chives.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
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Mint, Sugar, Lime juice, Ron Havana 3 or similar club, Soda and Angostura
width, type the cider, for two tablespoons of sugar a branch mint and juice of 1 / 2 lime (you can find the supermarket brand bottled lime (Pulco) then put about 1 cm in the glass.
Crush slightly with a pestle peppermint, put as 1 cm
rum and move all that has been with the spoon to dissolve sugar
Add 4 or 5 ice cubes and soda at the top, almost this .......
Put two shots of narrowness and again moved with the spoon for
mix well Serve with straw (sugar cane)
is important that you make this combined
environments by putting a little music of Buena Vista Social Club or something
Friday, October 26, 2007
How To Make A Running Shoes Cake?
- For the cream of broccoli: 400 gr. broccoli, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon butter, extra virgin olive oil, nutmeg and salt
- For the pumpkin purée: 300 gr. pumpkin, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 leek, 1 garlic clove, water, extra virgin olive oil and salt
- For the cream of potato 2 potatoes, water and salt. - To serve: trout eggs ham
Clean and chop the vegetables to the cream of pumpkin. Put to cook in the pressure cooker with a little oil. Season and pour water to cover. Placed above the accessory and distributes steam broccoli cut into florets. Sazona y cuando empiece a cocer, coloca la tapa y deja cocer 1 minuto desde el momento en que empiece a salir el vapor.
Retira el brócoli y con una batidora eléctrica, tritura la crema de calabaza y pásala a una jarra. Pon la mantequilla, un poco de aceite, la leche y el brócoli en una cazuela. Dale un hervor, tritúrala con una batidora y colócala en una jarra. Pela las patatas, trocéalas y ponlas a cocer en una cazuela con agua y una pizca de sal. Cuando estén cocidas (15 minutos aproximadamente), tritúralas en la batidora eléctrica.
Sirve en recipientes individuales, la crema de brócoli y la de calabaza a la vez. En el centro coloca una cucharada de crema de patata y adorna con un some ham with a fried trout roe.
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80 ml. of extra virgin olive oil 400 ml
mineral water 360 gr. round pumpkin, peeled
180 gr.
handle 36 gr.
sugar 40 gr. mango, peeled and diced
with mineral water, cook the squash for 15 minutes, until tender. Add in the last boil the mango and sugar, and cast the fire quickly. Check the sweetness, if necessary add a little more sugar. Put everything in a blender, add the extra virgin olive oil and emulsiónalo for 5 minutes at full power until creamy. Let cool to room temperature and then put it in the refrigerator.
Recipe Mario Sandoval.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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Oil extra virgin olive oil.
blade and pass through a sieve. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Cool in refrigerator. Serve with a dollop of roe mullet and a drizzle of olive oil.
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spaghetti, grated bottarga, extra virgin olive oil, a clove of garlic, chilli and fresh parsley.
Cook the pasta al dente, spends a minute in a pan with olive oil, the garlic, chilli and parsley. Is served on dishes, cheese over the bottarga (which tastes very strong, two or three tablespoons each dish is enough).
You can add even a drop of crude oil. If you want more simply you can flavor the pasta in the dish with grated bottarga and extra virgin olive oil, or a piece of butter.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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400 grams of beef strip steaks, 1 chilli, 1 tablespoon sake 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger, 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, 2 teaspoons orange peel, 8 oranges from China, ½ teaspoon Sichuan peppercorns, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 8 tablespoons of oil sesame or sunflower.
beef as thin as possible and strips. Combine the sake, ginger, corn flour, two tablespoons of sunflower oil and half the soy sauce. Marinate beef in this mixture half an hour and drain.
Fry the meat in a pan with 6 tablespoons of remaining oil over high heat until they begin to brown, remove and drain on absorbent paper. Roasted pepper Sichuan five minutes in a small ungreased skillet. In the same oil beef, chilli fry 20 seconds and add the orange zest and oranges from China, Sichuan pepper, roasted and ground, sugar, remaining soy sauce and meat. Skip all three or four minutes and season with remaining oil. Serve immediately garnished with orange slices, chopped chilli and julienne of orange rind.
Note: Sichuan pepper adds a deeper flavor if not used are black peppercorns. If you have not Sake can use Cuantreau marc. If you do not have oranges from China can do without them.
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zucchini, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 4 garlic shoots, to 200 gr. dried shitake mushrooms, 4 scallops, 20 gr. ginger, scallion, soy sauce and oyster sauce.
PREPARATION: Put the mushrooms
hydrate 6 hours earlier.
julienne vegetables and mushrooms, put to heat the wok and when hot add a little sunflower oil, divided well. Add to wok
carrots and mushrooms after two minutes and stir well add the chives. A few minutes later zucchini.
Grate some ginger on the wok add some sauces and scallops thoroughly cleaned with picado.No throw chives salt. The already have enough flavor sauces. Do not let it make a lot of scallops.
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extra virgin olive oil, ham fat.
Put ham fat in a bowl a few minutes in the microwave. You'll see how it goes slowly melting.
controls the process because otherwise you'll get is just cooked. Once melted añádeselo the jar with oil and let cool. Put it in the fridge and have a few months of excellent ham oil. Ah, a tip, try to make some eggs using only the oil
Monday, October 8, 2007
How To Congratulate Friend New Baby
of white bread without crust, 2 cloves of garlic, olive oil, lettuce, oak leaf, red spinach, arugula, lettuce, basil, sprouts, soy sprouts, 2 cucumbers, cherry tomatoes 1 package, Maldon salt, pepper beans, sunflower seeds pumpkin, peeled, 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds.
finely sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber lengthwise and place in a ring. Crushed garlic with oil and cut the bread into 4 triangles. Flatten bread with a roller and paint the slices with the crushed garlic with oil. Then tuéstalas
in the oven. Mix the vinegar, honey, oil, sesame and pipes. Stir everything and set aside.
Cut and mix all types of lettuce and place the ring of cucumber in a bowl. Add above sprouts and tomatoes. Final alignment with the vinaigrette booked and Maldon salt. The triangles of bread used to accompany this delicious salad.
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4 large tomatoes, 120 grams of wild rice, lemon juice, 7 tablespoons of sprouts (mustard, alfalfa, soybeans, etc..), 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 3 tablespoons olive oil, salt and pepper.
Cook the rice in a saucepan with water and a little salt for 20 minutes or until you see is ready. Then drain and cool the rice under running cold water.
Cut the top of the tomatoes and empty it with the help of an emptier trying not to break them. Room inside and arrange tomatoes upside down to lose the excess water. Short
pulp diced tomatoes and pepper, then mix the pulp with the rice. Clean the sprouts well with cold water, drain and spread them on a cloth to remove water. Stir
sprouts with rice mixture and add to all the lemon juice, soy sauce, oil, salt and pepper. Finish filling the tomatoes with the salad of sprouts and rice and dispose of tomatoes on a platter. Enter it in the refrigerator until serving time.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
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. Smoked salmon in one piece, 100 gr. Of cheese. 1 handful of sprouted onion, 10 cherry tomatoes, 1 egg, watercress, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and salt
Make a vinaigrette in blender with a little salmon and watercress olive oil and balsamic vinegar, let it emulsify.
In a bowl, put watercress, salmon, cheese and sliced \u200b\u200begg all into small cubes.
room and add the vinaigrette to the bowl and stir well above Emplate adding the onion sprouts
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2 ripe tomatoes, arugula, 8 cherry tomatoes, smoked cod, 6 shoots of garlic, virgin olive oil extra lemon juice and salt ½
Place in bottom of dish completely covering grated tomato.
Add the arugula evenly and cherry tomatoes cut up the middle.
Oil Season with salt and lemon juice
Add shredded smoked cod Saute the chopped garlic brunoise with a little oil, when, poured all over the salad.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
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. La Serena cheese, 2 dl. cream, 50 gr. of quince paste, cold water, salt and powdered sugar.
1 Siphon, 2 gas loads, serge
Infusion in the cream cheese, when it is liquid enough salt to taste, pass the mixture through a estemeña and put it in the trap, put two loads of gas and kept in the refrigerator for 4 or 5 hours. Shreds
the quince slowly adding cold water until sauce textured, correcting sweetness with powdered sugar, pass the mixture through a Chinese.
go in a cocktail glass by filling with foam interspersed with quince cream and finishing with the cream.
This dish is sweet contrast / Salado so it can serve as both a starter and dessert.
Aroma Beads California
Iberian fillet, 125 g of cheese from the Serena, 1 dl of extra virgin olive oil, 1 dl of white wine, 1 dl cream, pepper, salt
In a pan, add the white wine and cheese, heat until well blended.
Add cream, pepper and salt to taste. Let reduce on low heat until they take the desired texture.
Cut tenderloins into medallions to taste, salt and pepper and mark them in the pan with hot oil until golden brown.
Place the medallions on the plate and webs with hot sauce.
You can decorate the dish with chives, a crisp and Pedro Ximenez reduction
Sunday, June 3, 2007
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Love of my life - you've hurt me
You've broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back
bring it back
Don't take it away from me
because you don't know -
what it means to me.
Love of my life don't leave me
You've stolen my love
you now desert me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back
bring it back
Don't take it away from me because you don't know -
what it means to me.
You will remember -
When this is blown over
And everything's all by the way
When I Get Older I will be there at your side to remind you how I still love you - still love you Back - hurry back Please bring it back home to me Because You Do not Know What It Means to me-Love of my life Love of my life ...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Torn Skin After Brazilian Waxing
The original ...
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Sepultura is a world famous metal band and although the original training was 100% Brazilian most their songs have always been in English-sip, that leaving the singer's throat is English. Here we see a presentation, say, unusual ...
seems that something is not quite here ... lights?, sound?, that anyone in the audience knows what is the 'cool' to dance to that music? That would be asking Paris now?
Friday, May 25, 2007
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
Hoe To Send New Born Message
Bueno y las vacaciones definitely close to that which mejor una canción bailable, y super dedicable brasilera. Es pero hare 10 años corroborating that could mis les brasilian contemporary charm. A mi también me gusto! Beauty Rara Ivete Sangalo lyrics Big Ed I can not let time take you away from me never For our romance, my life is so beautiful You are who rules the roost in this heart that beats only because of the love you give world to you if you need to have the scent of roses surrounds me in your scent And so does undermine the overwhelming desire to be by your Neither side has the sea as encantante brightness of your eyes, my rare stone I will not deny, without you My world stops thousand twists and turns that gave Wanting to find someone who once took him seriously love thousand twists and turns that gave Wanting to once and find someone like you, am happy now rare beauty and singing only because of you Today I'm happy, happy Just because I love singing and love you!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Paint Dried Dark Lines
Un unexpected ( olvide buy them Pasajes the tiempo ) en mi travels vuelta a la ciudad where I live forced to make a stop in the city of Londrina, Parana state. If you
Colombian is more 15 or 16 years and thinking, "sounds Londrina me, I sound " but not sure have heard talk of this city , perhaps you suffer from selective amnesia ... Deme the dubious pleasure of refresh the memory ... Championship Pre-Olympic Under-23 January 30 Year 2000, we were with a foot and half in the final phase of campeonanto , something very should insolito to occur should stay outside, it reminds now? if! occurred, the fateful was 9-0 against Brazil! Well
by that course I remembered what also and even among the stage Witness this little unexpected and you take pictures ...
Nolan those marks on the grass ? The officials the stadium say that are result of some minor repraciones in the field , but I I have my doubts , these should be traces left that the roots of those who played by Colombia that days ...
Final Comment: Just to mitigate the bad memories left in the records that the Brazilian star of that championship team and of course the game was this gentleman.
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not post long ago, I guess the millions (!?) Of fans who read this blog may be wondering what has happened. It happens that I went on vacation to the Real World and had so much to know that I would not get too close to the computer. Also because I knew that when he returned from vacation again also addicted to internet and computer time. Well here we go again.
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