This is tonight's dinner, something has gone Improvising rich ..

More .... 
half half a carrot zucchini
a piece of leek
a piece of red pepper
a piece of pumpkin
hake fillet skinless
a portion of frozen spinach
6 eggs 1 / 2 cup vegetable stock (I put it on juice that I had the roasted vegetables yesterday k)
put the spinach in a pan of boiling salted water, otherwise the hake fillet also put it to boil with little water (to avoid kitarle taste the fish) the other vegetables the very tiny chop and sauté in a pan, poached half when we had a splash of white wine and vegetable stock and let reduce over medium heat until k will consume all the liquid (so the flavor of the broth left in the vegetables) cooked spinach once the cold water we drain them to cool and able to handle the chop and add to sautéed vegetables, fish and also stamped it as mix with the vegetables, now beat the eggs and mix everything and curdle the tortilla.
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